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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SVLL CONNECT +stripes ovals 39
SW SOFTWELL +stripes 24
SWAB +stripes 3
SWACHALL +stripes 3
SWAN +bird stripes & oval 35
SWAR PRABHAT +stripes 9
SWC SINCE 1930 +stripes 1, 2, 19
SWEETY +arc & stripes 9
SWET +stripes 6
SWISSTAG +stripes 25
SWITZ +chef & stripes 30
SWIZERA +stripes 6
SY MAN SYS +stripes & squar 42
SYCARDIAN +heart & stripes 35
SYMAX INDIA +stripes 9
SYNACE p +stripes 5
SYNERGY +stripes 36
SYNERGY group +stripes 1
SYNT-EI +square & stripes 7
SZS +stripes 7
T +stripes 6, 11, 16, 24
T +oval & stripes 16
T +square & stripes 7
stripes 42
T TALLA +stripes 43
T TARO +stripes 35
T TEXPERTS +stripes 35
T THETA +oval & stripes 5
T TRANSTECK +stripes 9
T TRON TOOLS +stripes 7, 8
T clean +triangle & stripes 1
T-CUBE +stripes 37
T-TAPE +stripes 9, 42
T-XXI RELAX WEAR +stripes 25
T-plus +stripes 21
T.G.I. FRIDAY'S +stripes 42
T.T. +waved stripes 25
T.T. KNITWEAR +stripes 25
T.T. softy white +stripes 25
TAAL TARANG +stripes 15
TAFE +plant & stripes 9, 12, 22
TAIWAN BRAVO +stars stripes 7
TAKE MY CARGO +stripes oval 39
TALETA FORMALS +stripes 35
TAM CREATIO +stripes square 25
TAMANNA +stripes 25, 35
TAN DELTA +stripes 35
TANESH +oval & stripes 25
TANISHA +stripes 35
TANISHKA fashion +stripes 25
TANVI +stripes 30
TAP WORLD +stripes 11
TAPAS +stripes & arrow 42
TARA BROTHERS +stripes 39
TARA-500 +stripes 5
TARAASH +stripes 40
TARANG +stripes 32
TARANNUM +square & stripes 42
TARO +stripes 37
TARO Z +stripes 7, 8, 11, 12, 37, 39
TASSEL +stripes & square 4
TASTE BORN +stripes 30, 32
TATA CAFE +stripes 30
TATWAMM +stripes 24
stripes 42
TAV YOURS TRULY +stripes 21
TAX-FREE +stripes & square 38
TAZURBA +circle & stripes 5
TB TOTO BAGS +stripes squar 18
TBZ +stripes 14
TC TIME COLORS +stripes 35
TCL +globe & stripes 39
TE +stripes 8
TE CONNECTIVITY +stripes 8, 37
TE TECHNORISE +stripes 9
TEASE +stripes 3
TECHNO MAK +stripes & oval 37
TECHNOCRATS +stripes square 35
TECHNORIUM +stripes 41
TECHREVO +stripes 7
TECHSMART +stripes 9
TEE SCOOP +stripes & square 25
TEELANTO +stripes 24
stripes 17
TEKNOICE +stripes 7, 11
TEKSID +stripes 7, 12
TEL +stripes 9, 11
TELE LINE +stripes 9
TELLY TUNE +stripes 9, 35, 38
TEN G golf +oval & stripes 35
TENDENCY +stripes 25
TENDER TIGER +tiger stripes 42
TENS GARD +stripes 5
TENTO +stripes & square 12
TERAZZO +stripes 20
TERCO +stripes 7
TERRACO +stripes 2
TESA +stripes 6, 9
TESCO +stars fruits stripes 29, 30
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